Are there any online forums or chat rooms for alcoholics anonymous members?

Remember that AAChats is a global online forum with members from different cultures and backgrounds who are in different stages of recovery. Use the following guidelines when sharing your ideas so that others can get the most out of them. May GOD grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change, the courage to change the things that I can change, and the wisdom to recognize the difference. Regional and local forums provide unique opportunities for A, A., and Canada to connect with people from all over A, A.

At the forums, members can exchange information with representatives of the General Services Board, A, A, W, S. These unique meetings, which began in 1975, are held four times a year. Each forum is held in one of eight U.S. regions.

U.S. or Canada that have extended an invitation. The regional trustee, zone delegates, and the GSO decide the location and agenda of the regional forums. Together, the GSO Forum Coordinator, the Local A, the Host Contact, and the Regional Administrator coordinate the details of the Forum.

See an example of the Regional Forum agenda here. There is no registration fee for courses A and A. The General Services Board covers the costs of the meeting rooms. In some cases, area committees, districts, and groups may cover the travel expenses of trusted servants.

Local forums, a reduced version of regional forums, are organized at the local level with the help of the GSO. Communities that are unable to attend regular regional forums. Local forums provide a forum experience to meet the cultural, accessibility, and demographic needs of communities A, A. Local forums can be held in remote areas or in any underserved community in A, A.

The community or service entity can request a local forum for one and a half or two days. The coordinator of the GSO regional forums works with the organizing committee of the local forum. Together, they create an agenda that responds to local needs. Unlike regional forums, the Local Forum Committee covers the expenses of the Forum, such as the costs of meeting rooms.

The General Services Board exhibits literature at the Board's expense. Essentially, all forums are sharing sessions where members can ask questions, generate ideas, and discuss issues. No formal action results from these forums. Regional and local forums aim to improve communication at all levels within a region.

What is shared in the forums is reflected in the final forum reports, which are distributed to all attendees. You can find previous forum reports here. Together with trustees and regional delegates, the GSO plans and coordinates regional forums. For questions about regional forums, contact the GSO Regional Forum Desk.

AA chat rooms serve primarily to provide a safe and supportive space for AA members, or anyone with a history of alcoholism, to connect and support each other. You can also choose from other AA online chat spaces, as well as a large number of Al-Anon meetings, Narcotics Anonymous, and other 12-step meetings that are now available. While AA chats are not officially affiliated with this organization, the website does organize online meetings with an official Alcoholics Anonymous group.

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