How long does aa usually take?

While participants in a face-to-face meeting may choose to have coffee or eat after the meeting, many people simply attend the meeting and then leave soon after. It's impossible to find a perfect answer to this question. Some people complete all of the steps in a month or two. Others spend several years doing the process.

In addition, some choose to repeat the steps over and over again at different points and with several sponsors. If you're wondering how long AA meetings last, you might be busy and have to leave immediately after the meeting. Since there are a lot of busy people, and it's common to wonder how long AA meetings last, the facilitator will want to start and finish on time. You attend an AA or NA meeting and hear all the other recovering addicts say that they have spent 90 days, 120 days, 1 year, 2 years, and sometimes more years as part of the 12-step program.

Usually, before the meeting, you'll see some people chatting with each other, and others may be making coffee, distributing books about AA, or doing other things in preparation for the meeting. These are open and closed meetings, and many AA groups will hold both meetings at different times, but the duration will be approximately the same.

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