Are there any online resources for finding information about addiction support groups and family support groups?

Drug addiction affects the entire family, from parents to children, from brothers to sisters, and sometimes even close friends. While substance abuse affects each family differently, there are many common adversities among families dealing with drug addiction, such as financial difficulties, legal problems, emotional distress, and domestic violence. An online meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous specifically for teens and young people that meets Monday and Wednesday nights. The Ladies AA Meeting is an online community just for women where they can talk about sobriety caused by alcohol and other issues related to women.

The Ladies AA Meeting is an online support community for women only where they can talk about sobriety caused by alcohol and other issues related to women. An Alcoholics Anonymous directory that lists general online Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, as well as specialized meetings (for men only, women only, LGBT, veterans, atheists, and agnostics), among others. An AA community for people who want to participate in the 12 steps without the religious belief component with online and in-person meetings across the United States.

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