What can i expect from an aa meeting?

Types of meetings · Open meetings are available to anyone interested in the Alcoholics Anonymous alcoholism recovery program. Some people convince themselves that they should never give AA a chance because they've heard that it doesn't work for most people. Of course, you could say this criticism of just about any program. There is no single treatment for addiction that works for everyone who tries it.

There will always be people who try Alcoholics Anonymous and discover that it's not for them. Whether you're looking for a loved one, are thinking about going to a meeting, or have been ordered by the court to attend, here's what to expect from your first AA meeting. The meeting begins with the president reading the AA preamble and then leading a group prayer, the Serenity Prayer (abbreviated version). It is available for iOS and Android and provides information on meetings of more than AA service entities.

Although the debate part at AA meetings is not always the most fascinating conversation, it is often very useful and helpful comments from people who share life experiences and difficulties. Later, different members of the meeting read sections of AA literature, such as the book Alcoholic Anonymous (commonly known as The Big Book) and Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions. If this is your first time recovering, you might have some doubts or fear about going to your first AA meeting. No one is required to do so, but the AA tradition is maintained that when an alcoholic asks for help, AA's helping hand will be there.

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